The Role of Government in the Lives of Americans
Over the years, mankind has experimented with many different forms of government. From imperial monarchies and despotism to fascism, communism and capitalism, there have been countless attempts to find the perfect balance between individual rights and the needs of the community. However, no political system has been able to completely resolve the conflict between individuals and the common good.
Governments exist to set the parameters for citizens’ everyday behavior and protect them from outside interference. They also provide valuable public goods, such as public schools and transportation systems, mail service and medical care. In addition, governments are charged with protecting private property. This is important because free markets work best when people have the confidence that others will not infringe upon their property rights, and that they can seek legal help to redress any wrongs.
Although Americans often give their federal government a low rating, they generally give higher ratings to the states and local governments. According to a Pew Research study, 8 in 10 Americans believe the government should play a major role in helping people get out of poverty, responding to natural disasters, keeping food and medicine safe and managing the nation’s immigration system.
At the state level, most Americans believe their government should play a major role in education, transportation and crime. However, they are divided on whether the state should do more to control the environment or support social programs for poor children.
Most States have a two-chamber legislature (Nebraska is the exception). The smaller upper chamber is usually called the Senate and the larger lower chamber is most often referred to as the House of Representatives. The bicameral structure provides more checks and balances than one-chamber legislatures.
Both state and local governments raise funds to pay for their operations by collecting taxes and fees, and they often borrow money from the public by selling bonds. The money that they spend on these activities is reflected in the overall economy of the state or city.
During the time that they are in power, politicians make promises about what they will do for their constituents. These promises may be difficult to deliver, especially during tough economic times. This is why voters need to know who they are voting for and what their track record has been.
In the end, no matter how much government does or doesn’t do, the most important question is what role it should play in the lives of its citizens. It is essential for a democratic society that its government be responsive to the needs and concerns of its people. That is the only way to ensure that government works for everyone, not just some of them. In that way, governments are just like any other business. They need to be rewarded for success and punished for failure. This is why they need a clear mission statement, measurable goals and performance indicators. Without these measures, there is no way to measure the effectiveness of a government.